Sunday, August 18, 2013

It was my 21st Birthday on August 9th, 2013 and was so excited and happy! It's scary to grow up but its apart of life. I hope that anyone and everyone celebrates their birthdays no matter what! Its an important time and you should celebrate the life you have with the people who love you the most. I felt so blessed, all the love I gave year round came back to me 10 fold!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Inauguration Experience

On this past Monday January 21st, 2013 which was Martin Luther King day I went to the inauguration for President Barack Obama! My college Hampton University, located in Hampton, Virginia, is three hours away from Washington DC so it was no reason why I couldn't attend such a historic event. One million people came from states away or countries away to see President Obama sworn in for his second term! Even my best friend Charles came from his college in Missouri to see President Obama. I attended the inauguration with my three friends, Krista, Keyla, and Josh. We stood in line five hours in then freezing cold to catch the parade and to be able to say we were apart of this amazing day! We may not have had tickets but we still enjoyed ourselves. For the first semester of my Junior year at Hampton I volunteered on the Barack Obama re-election campaign and to able to see something from beginning to end with the end result being my choice for President elected, makes me feel great on inside. I was apart of history with my vote and volunteering. The first time I saw Obama was when he accepted his presidency four years ago in Chicago,Illinois and I shared that experience with my daddy who cried because for him he never thought he lived to see the day a black man as President. While at the inauguration I felt I represented my ancestors who lived through the racism and hatred towards blacks, there struggle for equality was not in vain, victory is what my ancestors see now! I love what my President stands for and what his administration is doing (Go Joe Biden lol)! It was a honor to see a deserving man and his family walk the streets of Washington proud to serve their country! 

Krista and me marching to the entrance gate!

How the outside looked! Thanks Charles :)

Me at the inauguration trying to stay warm!